Over the last 5000 years life expectancy has more than doubled. The milestone medical interventions that have enable this are noted in the graphic below.

Click [√] to Enlarge

Over the last four years (2018-2021) medicine has entered a new era. This paradigm shift takes us further away from reactively treating diseases, to proactively preventing them. Age-Regression moves your biological age backwards and has multiple benefits. Disease prevention is one of the most important from a quality-of -life, cost reduction, and benefit-to-humanity, point of view.[1] Diseases of aging, i.e., non-infectious diseases, share multiple primary and sub-molecular pathways with aging. View it from this perspective; the vast majority of younger individuals live healthy, robust and disease free lives. Age regression moves you health state back into that younger period. The interventions advocated by this emerging research will compress morbidities associated with aging to the end of your life. That by definition is an increase in your health span. Increasing your health span reduces the total negative proteomic aging signals, increasing your life span.

The graphic above contrasts the difference between aging in todays medical environment and what age regressive interventions will make possible in the near future.

Regressing Your Biological-Age-Set-Point (BASP)* is the first step in achieving that goal and the reason is simple. Younger individuals do not get sick. If we can regress your biological age, you are less likely to experience diseases associated with aging. You are also more likely to deal with communicable or infectious diseases more effectively. This will increase your health span and that will increase your lifespan. We should note here that depending on genetics and environmental factors, you will in all probability experience the same diseases of aging as your parents and siblings. What will be dramatically different is those disease processes will be compressed into a smaller window of time and that window will be moved closer to the end of a life that is both longer and healthier. Importantly, it will also dramatically reduce your need to access a healthcare system that is motivated first and foremost by profits. Profits provided and produced by patients, like you and me.

Many of the aging targets that scientist have identified and we highlight on this site site have effective drugs currently being developed to address them. Will these drugs be inexpensive and ubiquitously available? Don’t hold your breath.

I have promoted ways of reducing healthcare cost for many years and have published articles like: Affordable Global Universal Healthcare, four years ago. It demonstrated how age-regression can dramatically contribute to reducing the cost burden we, and every segment of the healthcare industry shares.

Over the last few years our understanding of the aging process has undergone a dramatic shift, from inevitable to addressable. Although the processes driving aging are beginning to emerge, the active agents allowing for positive interventions are still illusive to most individuals. The small molecules and cellular transforming technologies are often unavailable or undisclosed in an attempt to monetarily capitalize on these discoveries. Effective, Available Interventional Resources (AIR) are readily available. These include Amino Acids, Nutritional Supplements, Hormones and Drugs/Small Molecules. Combined into a rational treatment strategy, this potent combination of available resources provides all of us with a highly impactful, age-regressive armamentarium. This interventional strategy will in all probability not be as completely effective as targeted pharmaceutical based small molecules, genetic manipulations, Yamanaka reprogramming factors, or cellular and plasma replacement therapies. They will almost certainly enable us to improve our health, improve our quality of life, and regress our biological age when utilized in a treatment strategy that is based upon the emerging literature and refined by the focus and feedback provided by the participants of this site. AIR components are potent and effective alternatives to drugs currently in development, allowing us to bridge or ARC the gap between future pharmaceutical treatments and the health imperatives we all face now.

Aging is a proteomic controlled network that took several billion years to develop. From the literature it has become obvious that multiple primary and secondary aging targets and pathways are now readily addressable.  The primary goals of this site are: 1) provide a focused resource of credible research that validates the rational and utility of addressing each identified aging target and molecular pathway; 2) provide credible research that validates the utilization of a specific AIR component to address that target;  3) bring together a network of individuals each able to make contributions in unraveling the gordian knot that aging and effectively targeting aging, currently represents. Our outcome goals are a direct extension of the primary goals: 1) to dramatically reduce the incidence of diseases associated with aging by intervening now with available inhibitors or augmenters of clearly identified targets; 2) improvement in quality of life, and finally; 3) a longer life span should be a natural extension of accomplishing the first two goals.  

The combined knowledge and experiences of this community will speed up our ability to positively impact the health, wellbeing and lives of everyone. The utility of these goals are in many ways completely self evident. Young individuals do not suffer from diseases associated with age. One of the greatest lines in science fiction is short and succinct: “Live long and prosper;” together we can provide the benefits of that salutation to everyone.

Track Your Progress:

You will never really know exactly what you are accomplishing if you do not track biomarkers that correlate with your biological age state or set point.  For the first time in history we are now able to obtain, almost immediately, accurate evaluations of each specific treatment interventions impact on the organisms biological age without having to wait on time intensive, death-as-an-endpoint, studies. Working with your primary care physician is important to both monitor your progress and safety during your age-regression transition. The “Measuring BASP” tab provides several options on how to effectively track your BASP.

We want to provide access to effective and recognized age-regression markers at a reduced rate for our users and collaborators. We will be reaching out to several companies to develop those resources.

Open Access Project: is an open access collaborative site where the contributions of all active participants are encouraged.  The entire site is “live,” and in constant flux, changing as information emerges and our contributors update this open and collaborative site. If you see this flag: {🔷 ? 🔷} it is an indication that we are actively seeking this information. Please accept it as a challenge to contribute by finding that missing piece of the puzzle. Your contribution will be acknowledged on the contributors page.

• Donations:

Any donations received will go to directly support this site and any other resources that may be required to fulfill our goals. This will include the validation / purity of critical AIR compounds. Computing time for AI. Any way this community can work collectively to reduce the cost of any aspect of age regression is also a goal for this site. In the future we would like to negotiate for reduced rates on AIR components, biomarkers, clinical and epigenetic indicators.

• Join the Team:

Like aging itself, the treatment paradigms that will most effectively regress the aging process will be a continual, transitional and evolving process for many years. So, must the information on this site. Many years ago the dean of the Harvard school of medicine informed the graduating class that half of everything they were taught was wrong. The problem was he did not know which half. That comment was designed to make them think and examine everything they were sure they knew as young doctors. We need to approach what we think we know with the same skepticism and introspection.

If you have antidotal, first-hand knowledge, including personal, laboratory or clinical experiences with any element described or discussed on this site, please share it with us and this community.

If you are an expert in any of the disciplines or knowledge bases we focus on and would be willing to become a contributor / editor of that section we would welcome your participation.

Scientist, doctors, researchers and ethical bio-hackers that would like to actively participate in managing, monitoring and advancing the effectiveness of the age regression strategies evolving herein, please contact us via the fellowing email:

We believe the fellowing disciplines would be valuable to our efforts: Artificial Intelligence scientist, veterinarian (almost everything you read on this site can be applied to your pets as well), gerontologist, pharmacologist (dosage, timing and interval), immunologist and molecular biologist. If you are a talented science editor, that would also be a beneficial talent that we obviously would benefit from.

Site Conventions:

◉ We are utilizing a convention that credits the author(s) when we incorporate more than one line of continuous text from a published article. We simply indent that paragraph and place an open arrow () at the beginning, and a closing arrow (⫷) at the end of the copied text. The article referenced footnote is then placed at the end of the paragraph outside of the last [X]. If any article reference appears with in this text, you will need to reference the article to obtain them. All site references are hypertext links to the original published paper if available.

Color Codes:

We have categorized Treatment Agents (Available Interventional Resources (AIR), into Categories, (Colored Folders on left) and Interventional Targets into Cores. You will see these color conventions across the entire site. As the graphic below clearly demonstrates, there is a great deal of overlap and crosstalk between each element in this process. Please note this site, this graphic and the entire filed of aging are still under development.

Click on Graphic [√] to Enlarge



Available Interventional Resources (AIR)****

**** Amino Acids, Nutritional Supplements, Hormones and Small Molecules

Biological Age-Set Point(BASP)*  

* BASP denotes your current biological age as juxtaposed to your chronological age. Environmental factors, age regressive treatments, diseases, and all environmental factors shift your BASP backwards or forwards from you actual chronological age.  This makes any biological age marker, as accurate as any biological age marker can be, for that one point in time that the data was captured. That way we refer to is as a set point. Even in the absence of any age regressive treatments, diseases or environmental factors, your BASP age will be different from your chronological age. 


** Set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment.


*** The structure, function, and interactions of the proteins produced by the genes of a particular cell, tissue, or organism.



**** Functionally relevant changes to the genome that do not involve a change in the nucleotide sequence.


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If you see this “🔷 ? 🔷,” its a call to find and contribute this missing category of information. Use the “Contribute Content,” button at the bottom of each page. Your work will be acknowledged on our contributors page.



[1] [2021] The economic value of targeting aging


Next page in chronology:

A new perspective on aging