Biological Age Set Point (BASP)
Biological Age Set Point (BASP) differentiates between your chronological age, which is intransigent and inevitable, and the physiological age of your biological systems including organs, cells and chronokines. Biometric, Clinical, laboratory and Epigenetic markers are utilized to determine your current BASP. Your biological age is a better reflection of your physical health and even your own mortality risk than your chronological age.
Your chronological age reflects the number of times you have circled the sun. If you turn 62 tomorrow, that number will accurately reflect you age tomorrow. Each day after that it is a less accurate reflection of your actual chronological age. Biological age is the same. All the variabilities of life; including environmental, emotional and physical influences are constantly changing. So is your diet, supplements and medications. Your environment and your levels of stress are also constantly in flux. Obviously the interventions described within this site are specifically targeted and intended to influence your biological age. This makes your BASP a constantly changing, fuzzy number that will approximate your current biological age, but only at the point in time that the data was captured. This is why our preferred terminology is “Biological Age Set Point,” because you are seeing your new biological age, from the perspective of the one point in time that it was captured. BASP is most valuable as a comparison to determine the progress you have made between you most current laboratory and clinical markers and the historical markers you obtained in the past.
◉ Your primary care physician should be an active participant in this endeavor. Many of the labs we target require your physician to provide script to the laboratory in order to draw them. These laboratory rescources are becoming available completely online with the consultation of an online practitioner. You are much better served by having a personal physician involved for consultation.
◉ A small core set of markers has been identified and described on the next few pages that can be ranked, weighted and and scored, as inputs to an algorithm that outputs a numerical BASP age. Epigenetic clocks actually provide you with a numerical age as there output. We also site some inexpensive biometric markers that can be accessed at any time. Links to all of these rescources are provided.
Obviously, we want to see the markers move in the opposite direction from an historical aging perspective. If a marker historically increases as we age, we want to see a small but noticeable decrease between our last lab draw and the most recent one.
You should note that many of them peak between 65-80 years of age and then begin to decline again. This can produce the false impression that things are improving, when in fact your are seeing the results of normal aging. You should also be aware that many other factors can impact these markers.
Chronological age and environmental contaminants; (pollution, dust, cigaret smoke, recreational drugs, alcohol, and pesticides) can all have a dramatic impact on these results. Poor diet and any active disease process or change in emotional state, including stress, lack of sleep, mild to severe infections and changes in medications can all cause changes in any or all of the biomarkers we want to monitor, seemingly moving your BASP up (Older Age).
Exercise, good diet, vitamins, minerals, supplements, peptides, drugs, meditation, sleep, socialization, friends, lovers, and family have the potential to move your BASP down (younger age).
Obviously, this site is dedicated to finding and optimizing the interventional strategies that safely allow for the reduction of your BASP. Targets of opportunity and agents that effectively and safely regress your BASP, are emerging daily.