(WikiLink: Glutathione) - (Last Revision: 4/02/2022)
GlyNAC (Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine) Supplementation in Mice Increases Length of Life by (24% longer than control mice) by Correcting Glutathione Deficiency, Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction,Abnormalities in Mitophagy and Nutrient Sensing, and Genomic Damage [13]
A small-scale study showed that older humans taking Glycine in combination with N-acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) for 24 weeks demonstrated improvements in many characteristic defects of aging, including glutathione deficiency, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction, body fat, muscle strength, genomic toxicity, gait speed, exercise capacity, and cognitive function. [1]

◉ GSH is the most abundant endogenous intracellular antioxidant tripeptide composed of glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid.
◉ Supplements increasing intracellular levels of Glutathione have demonstrated dramatic benefits in older individuals and individuals with HIV*
◉ The combination of glycine (Gly) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) (GlyNAC) improve many age-associated deficiencies in older people, improving muscle strength and cognition, and promoting healthy aging.
◉ Lyphoized Glutathione has similar utility
◉ GlyNAC treatment improves Mitochondrial function and reduces oxidative stress
◉ Mitochondria generate energy needed for supporting cellular functions by burning fat and sugar from foods, so mitochondrial health is critically important for life.

“The field of geroscience has identified at least nine hallmark defects of aging which are believed to contribute to the aging process,” the team explained. “These hallmark defects of aging include 1) mitochondrial dysfunction, 2) dysregulated nutrient sensing (which includes insulin resistance), 3) altered intercellular communication (which includes inflammation), 4) genomic instability, 5) loss of proteostasis, 6) epigenetic alterations, 7) cellular senescence, 8) telomere attrition, and 9) stem cell exhaustion.”
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GlyNAC supplementation appears to improve the components of four aging hallmarks (i.e., improvements in 1) mitochondrial dysfunction, 3) inflammation, 2) insulin resistance and 4) genomic damage …” Dr. Rajagopal Sekhar, as quoted in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
“The results of this trial suggest that GlyNAC supplementation in older individuals is well tolerated and could play a novel role in improving healthy aging in older individuals by correcting GSH deficiency, oxidative stress,, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction, body fat, muscle strength, gait speed, and cognitive function.”
GlyNAC supplementation for 24 weeks in OA corrected RBC-GSH deficiency, OxS, and mitochondrial dysfunction; and improved inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, insulin-resistance, genomic-damage, cognition, strength, gait-speed, and exercise capacity; and lowered body-fat and waist-circumference. [1]
This is a photograph of cow cells taken with a microscope. The mitochondria were stained in bright yellow, the cell nuclei in blue and the cytoskeleton in gray. Courtesy of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.

Source” GlyNAC (Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine) Supplementation [13] Click [√] to Enlarge
GlyNAC supplementation for 24 weeks corrected red-blood cell-tripeptide glutathione deficiency, Oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction; and improved inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, insulin-resistance, genomic-damage, cognition, strength, gait-speed, and exercise capacity; and lowered body-fat and waist-circumference. [1]
Source” GlyNAC (Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine) Supplementation [13] Click [√] to Enlarge
Mice receiving the GlyNAC supplemented diet ad libitum increased their length of life by 23.7% (104.0 ± 3.0 vs. 128.6 ± 4.2 weeks, p < 0.0001), and this was similar in both genders (males 24.2% increase; females 23.4% increase) (Future on right) Figure 2. Total-GSH concentrations were higher by 156% (p < 0.05), 177% (p < 0.0001) and 193% (p < 0.05) in the heart, liver and kidneys, and reduced-GSH concentrations were higher by 204%.
The salient discoveries reported in this manuscript are that (a) GlyNAC supplementation in C57BL6J mice increases length of life by 24%; (b) compared to young mice, the heart, liver and kidneys of old mice had deficient GSH synthesis and GSH concentrations, elevated OxS and genomic damage, mitochondrial dysfunction, and impaired mitophagy and nutrient sensing; (c) GlyNAC supplementation corrects these defects in the heart, liver and the kidneys of old mice. pH2AX/β-actin. [13]
Liposomal Glutathione
Liposomal GSH appeared to be effective at two doses (500 and 1000 mg/d) and effects were seen as early as 1 week. In addition, liposomal GSH had positive effects on several GSH-related parameters including decreases in biomarkers of oxidative stress and enhancements in immune functions. Finally, liposomal GSH was highly tolerated and its administration was not associated with any signs of adverse effects. Although small in size, the results from this study provide support for the potential use of oral liposomal GSH as an intervention strategy for enhancing tissue GSH levels for use in disease therapy or prevention. [5]
The references showing significant benefits in HIV+ populations are important supporting research. HIV accelerates aging by several mechanisms including increasing oxidative stress significantly above a normal, non-infected individual. This is something of a stress test for the efficacy of this interventional strategy. [2,6]

Format for Dosage, Change all Below
Optional: + Lypholized Glutathione
1000 mg.
1000 mg.
With Food
IConcomitant / Synergistic / Additive
The literature has noted similar results utilizing lyophilized Glutathione.

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[4] [2018] Overview on the Effects of N-Acetylcysteine in Neurodegeneratie Diseases
[9] [1993] Vitamin C elevates red blood cell glutathione in healthy adults
[10] [2019] Glycine supplementation extends lifespan of male and female mice
[12] [2018] Dietary Glycine Supplementation Extends Lifespan of Genetically Heterogeneous Mice

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